Arclight Awards provide students with an opportunity to explore solo work, to develop good communication skills and to present their class work.
Students who take part in the Awards will have a chance to explore different genres and styles of poetry & drama and to develop their skills in speech, interview skills, mime and improvisation. The focus is on encouragement and development and our examiners will work with students to enhance their learning. We want our Awards to focus on each student’s personal achievement and skills. Exceptional candidates may be awarded honours or distinction. Each candidate will receive a written assessment with constructive feedback and a certificate of achievement after their assessment.
At Arclight Drama Studio, we strongly believe in individuality of expression and this is reflected in the programme which gives students a wide range of choice within the syllabus. Our Grade Syllabus is mainly suited to children at a drama school, and we have an option for TY students also.
Our examiners are highly skilled and qualified and will always work hard to ensure the best possible outcome for each student.
Grade Syllabus
Preliminary Grade
Own Choice Poem
A Discussion about the poem
Fee: €10
Grade One
Own Choice Poem
A Discussion on one of the following; Hobbies, Holidays, Family
Fee: €11
Grade Two
Own Choice Poem
A Discussion on one of these; Favourite Book, FIlm or Play
Fee: €12
Grade Three
Own Choice Poem
A one minute Mime.
Fee: €13
Grade Four
Own Choice Poem
A Monologue
A Knowledge of Stage Directions
Fee; €14
Grade Five
Own Choice Poem
A Monologue
A Talk with the Examiner About a Play you Appeared in
Fee: €15
Grade Six
Own Choice Poem
A Monologue
An Impromptu Improvisation
Fee: €15
Grade Seven
Own Choice Poem
A Monologue
A Two Minute Prepared Mime
Fee: €15
Grade Eight
Own Choice Poem
A Monologue
A Discussion on Improvisation or a Mime
Fee: €20
Grade Nine
Own Choice Poem
A Shakespearean Monologue
A Discussion on a Shakespeare Play
Fee: €20
Grade Ten
A Sonnet
A Monologue
A Discussion on Stanislavsky
Fee: €20
Final Grade
A 6 Minute Recital on a Theme
A Discussion on your future in Drama
Fee: €25
Transition Year Arclight Award in Public Speaking
This award is suitable for TY students.
Students will be asked to prepare and present a 2-3 minute speech on one of the following;
A fictional eyewitness account of a historical event or
A topic of personal interest.
This will be followed by a short discussion with the examiner.
To book your place please contact either Paul or Ciara.
Paul: 087 221 3196
Ciara: 087 9418325
The examiner will be looking for good communication, engagement, vocal modulation, audibility, clarity and fluency. Your talk should be well researched and presented.
Each student will receive a written assessment and a Certificate of Achievement.
The Award will cost €5.00 per student (minimum of 20 candidates). We will arrange for one of our chief examiners to assess your students at your school. We can also do the awards over zoom if preferred. For large centres we may need to do them over 2/3 days. Our examiners are working Drama & Communications teachers and are Garda Vetted for their work with Arclight Studio but will of course be happy to be vetted for your school. We ask you to book early so this can be arranged. If you would like to arrange a 2 hour workshop with Paul or Ciara from Arclight Drama Studio to help your students prepare this will be charged at an additional €5.00 per student.
The awards can be adapted to your school’s needs so please get in touch with us at with any queries.